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July 28, 2021



Julie Barry, Senior Planner for Arts & Culture

City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development

98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA  01970

978-619-5685  ext. 42506 | jbarry@salem.com


City of Salem announces 2021 Summer Performance Series


Salem, MA— The City of Salem is pleased to announce a series of FREE live Performances coming to parks across the Salem. This year we are thrilled to host four different companies performing in nearly twenty humorous, surprising, inspiring, and modern productions that are fun for all ages.  Performances will be held in August and September and are free and open to the public.**  All performances will be held outdoors so be sure to bring your own shade and seats!  Picnics encouraged!


OLDE SALEM STAGE COMPANY – “Much Ado About Nothing”

The Olde Salem Stage Company is a new collaboration of passionate theatrical practitioners whose mission is to challenge and inspire audiences with their performances. This summer they will be blending modern and traditional approaches to Shakespeare in their production of “Much Ado About Nothing”.  oldesalemstagecompany.com


4 Performances: August 7, 8, 14, & 15 at 6:30pm in Charlotte Forten Park, 289 Derby Street. 



DRUMATIX – “Rhythm Delivered”

DrumatiX is dedicated to presenting humorous, interactive, family-oriented percussive content that is accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds.  Using tap dance, body percussion, and creative drumming, they has created a new 45-minute interactive, humorous, family-friendly show, “Rhythm Delivered”.  www.subscribepage.com/drumatixsalem


4 Performances: August 21, 22, 28, & 29 at 2:00pm in Charlotte Forten Park, 289 Derby Street. 
*In case of rain, performances will be moved indoors at Old Town Hall, 32 Derby Square.




Third Citizen Theatre Company is committed to delivering high-quality productions that reimagine and recontextualize classical works to engage and entertain all ages.  With live, original music, Third Citizen Theatre Company stages a performance of “As You Like It” that reflects contemporary issues while bringing a feel-good comedy to the Salem community.  www.thirdcitizentheatre.org

5 Performances: August 28, 29 & September 4, 5, 6 at 6:00pm at The Salem Willows Band Shell, 165 Fort Avenue.

**Please note, Third Citizen’s performances have a suggested donation of $20 for general seating. For more information, please visit their website. www.thirdcitizentheatre.org




The Ridiculous Project seeks to spread joy to the community by giving audiences a fun and immersive theatrical experience where they are both reacting to and interacting with the story. This summer The Ridiculous Project invites you to join in an exploration of whimsy, magic, and language in a spirited retelling of one of Shakespeare’s most-loved plays, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” transformed into a unique story of their own. “Dream, Love, Escape” brings us into a space together to acknowledge where we have been and to experience both the act and the celebration of a communal process of emerging. Learn more at www.ridiculousproject.com


4 Performances: September 4, 5, 11, and 12 at 7:00pm in Derby Square, 32 Derby Square.

*In case of rain, performances will be moved indoors at Old Town Hall, 32 Derby Square.






A group of women performing on stage

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Julie Barry

Senior Planner, Arts & Culture

City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development

98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA  01970

978-619-5685  ext. 42506 | jbarry@salem.com

Salem Logo - Small


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