September 9, 2021
Chair, Salem Cultural Council
Julie Barry, Senior Planner for Arts & Culture
City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA 01970
978-619-5685 ext. 42506 |
CITY OF SALEM, MA is pleased to announce the launch of the 2021/2022 Salem Cultural Council LCC Grant Program.
Applications now open! Deadline to apply is Friday, October 15,
2021 by 11:59pm.
Salem Cultural Council (SCC) has
been allotted
$25,400.00 in state funding to regrant back out into the Salem Community.
Submit an application to help your creative endeavors come into fruition!
For the 2021/2021 cycle, the SCC’s
is seeking applications that align with the theme:
Uplifting a Healthy Resilient Community
the SCC will give priority to:
* Projects that help Salem thrive during a period when the cultural community is looking to a brighter future in a creative and optimistic way
*Applicants who reside, work, have an organization in Salem or have an established partnership with an organization based in Salem.
*Programs that activate unexpected or underutilized canvases and performance spaces within the city of Salem.
*Programs that take place in Salem or benefit the residents of Salem.
*Programs that celebrate and promote the diversity of our community.
*Programs that are educational and accessible for the community, regardless of age or ability.
Applications will be evaluated using the following review criteria:
*How well the program meets our local priorities
*Evidence of track record and dedication of the applicant
*Ability to address the diverse cultural needs of a community’s underserved populations
*Demonstrated planning (i.e. the ability to complete the project within the cycle year)
*Financial need
*State Requirements & Criterion
Here to Review the Complete MCC LCC Program Guidelines (
For the FY22 Grant Cycle, the Salem Cultural Council is once again participating in the Supplemental Grant Pilot Program, which means
that approved grantees will receive their funding upfront, not on as a reimbursement.
Deadline: Applications are due Friday, October 15,
2021 by 11:59pm
How to Apply:
All applications must be submitted digitally. No hard copy applications will be accepted.
Visit the following URL for the online application portal to begin your application process:
For Examples of previously funded projects visit:
For Questions,
email the Salem Cultural Council directly at
The Salem Cultural Council is the Local Cultural Council (LCC) for the City of Salem and is part of the Massachusetts Cultural Council's
LCC network across the Commonwealth. The Salem Cultural Council is eager to award grants to individuals and organizations that are based in Salem, MA as they work to bring arts and cultural opportunities to our community.
# # #
Julie Barry
Senior Planner, Arts & Culture
City of Salem | Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA 01970
978-619-5685 ext. 42506 |
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