
Description automatically generated  The Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture's Public Art Program is requesting qualifications from artists to work with a project team to design an integrated public art streetscape concept along 32nd Street from Shea Boulevard to Bell Road in North Phoenix. The selected artist will be expected to work with the community and city to create streetscape enhancements that bolster the visual identity of the area, and improve shade and pedestrian experience. 

Deadline for Applications: September 30th, 2021 at 10:59 p.m. (Pacific Daylight Time)

For more information, download the complete call to artists. (attached here and available at https://www.phoenix.gov/arts/public-art-program/public-art-opportunities)

​​Applications will be accepted via CaFE (www.callforentry.org). Use the link below to access the application. 



If you have  further questions please contact:

Romeo Rabusa
City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture
200 West Washington Street, 10th Floor
Phoenix Arizona 85003-1611

An informational meeting about this call to artists was held Friday, August 27, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. You can watch the recording of this meeting here: https://www.phoenix.gov/arts/public-art-program/public-art-opportunities






Kathryn (Kati) Stegall Ballares

Public Art Project Manager

City of Phoenix Office of Arts and Culture

200 W Washington St. 10th Floor

Phoenix, AZ 85003



