So grateful! Do you have any time tomorrow, Friday morning, or Tuesday the 5th?

On Tue, Sep 28, 2021 at 1:48 PM Miranda Kyle <> wrote:

Hi Surale,


We have incorporated dance and the performing arts into our public art programming for the last 12 years. Happy to hop on a call and chat about it!



Miranda Kyle

Arts & Culture Program Manager
Atlanta BeltLine, Inc.
Office:404.477.3636 // Fax: 404.477.3606 // //



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Atlanta BeltLine, Inc. // 100 Peachtree Street, NW, Atlanta GA 30303

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From: <> On Behalf Of Surale Phillips
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2021 1:06 PM
Subject: Inquiry about dance and public art


Hello PAN network,


South Arts, the South's Regional Arts Service organization, is working with five dance companies who are grantees in a three-year program called Momentum. Momentum is  exploring new ways to present dance and engage communities in dance that reach beyond traditional venues and touring. This includes public art programming. 


· Would anyone with experience incorporating dance within public art programming be willing to take a 10 minute call to answer a few questions and share their experience?

· Who in this network has incorporated dance in public art programming?

· Can you point me to any examples of public art incorporating dance?

I'm eager to hear from you, and ever so grateful for a reply.




Surale Phillips
Office: 561-328-3039
Mobile: 406-600-7537 Market Research


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Surale Phillips
Office: 561-328-3039
Mobile: 406-600-7537 Market Research Brand Research