Please help share Austin Art in Public Places’ current open calls to artists! We have multiple opportunities available. Local artists and Texas-wide opportunities with budgets ranging from $44,00 to $260,000!


The City of Austin Economic Development Department Art in Public Places Program launched several calls to artists in September 2022! The current application period features 9 open call opportunities.


Artwork locations include:


Artists should apply via by December 7, 2022 to be considered! 


Attend the Virtual Artist Information Meeting on October 11 at 6:30 PM  Click here to register for the meeting.


Click here to apply!


Please feel free to share our posts on social media (linked below)! Tag us on Facebook and Instagram at @CityofAustinArts. 


Thank you for your time and support! Please let us know if we can provide additional information or if you have questions. 





Anna Bradley | Art in Public Places Sr. Project Manager
Cultural Arts Division | Economic Development Department
Direct: (512) 974-7841 | Main: (512) 974-7700| Cell: (512) 803-4915 ::

 Mailing Address
City of Austin |  P. O. Box 1088  | Austin, TX  78767