Hi Lillian,

There are several. I recommend exploring the public work of:
Susan Narduli and the Narduli Studio, especially projects in Oklahoma City and Florida: https://www.nardulistudio.com/projects
Clark Wiegman and Artifacture, especially his Chronolog project: https://www.artifacture.org/projects.html
The San Jose Airport Art and Technology public art program, steered by the incomparable Jennifer Easton, commissioned terrific pieces based on climate data: https://www.flysanjose.com/art
Stacey Levy has done a series of works- public art and installation- on climate disturbance: https://www.stacylevy.com/

My own work uses science and climate data but not as data points on screens.  With a broad definition of data, the practice opens up!


Helen Lessick

On Wed, 23 Aug 2023 at 06:02, Hsu, Lillian (via public_art_network list) <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> wrote:

Hi, Everyone,


Has anyone engaged artists to develop climate change projects in public spaces that integrate data collection?  We’ve just commissioned six artists to design replicable prototypes of shade structures. These installations or gathering spots can include or be adjacent to community resiliency features such as urban agriculture/food, play and cultural activities, or collection of data. We’re exploring ways to make visible real-time data on heat/humidity or other relevant measures across the different Cambridge neighborhoods where these installations will be placed - to increase public curiosity and awareness.


Anyone else engaging artists on project with these themes?






Lillian Hsu (she/her)

Director of Public Art and Exhibitions

Cambridge Arts

344 Broadway, 2nd Floor

Cambridge, MA 02139

T 617-349-4389; F 617-349-4669


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