Hi Marjorie,

Here are my thoughts on that from an artist’s perspective. I always encourage my commissioning body members to visit my studio, if possible. But it rarely is, due to distance. 

Thus, with every project I win, I create a detailed production schedule that includes me submitting milestone videos and photos.With my client, we agree upon on how often that should occur. I’m always open to live video calls, too. Though not ideal, technology is a solid substitute for in-person.


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Stacia Goodman, Lead Artist
Phone: 612.718.7946

Website & subscribe to e-newsletter: StaciaGoodmanMosaics
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On Jan 5, 2024, at 10:44 AM, Flanagan, Marjorie H (via public_art_network list) <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> wrote:

Hello all you public art administrators! 
What is your standard practice for studio visits on commissioned public art pieces?  Do you always do them?  Do you do them when you have money?  Do you never do them?  Do you do them when the artist is in the same city? Same state? 
Trying to get a gage on any universal practices.  I think it’s a best practice to see the piece in fabrication and discuss feedback with the artist in their studio or location of fabrication, but not sure how standard this is. 
LMK what you do 😊.  
Marjorie Flanagan
Director of Public Art
601 Colorado St.
Austin, TX 78701
512.463.4861 Office

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