Again, from an artist’s perspective — and for any artists on this list:

Even if the commissioning body isn’t insistent on milestone/status images, videos and/or meetings, provide them anyway. Then be sure to archive emails or voicemails that give approvals and permission to proceed. That’s good business practice, especially if there’s staff turnover on the client side in the middle of a public art project. We all know that some projects may take years.


LOGO email 2\".jpg

Stacia Goodman, Lead Artist
Phone: 612.718.7946

Website & subscribe to e-newsletter: StaciaGoodmanMosaics
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On Jan 5, 2024, at 2:03 PM, Bloom, Roberta (via public_art_network list) <> wrote:

We like to make studio visits when it is reasonably possible.  With economic limitations as well as the element of time, that essentially means we can make local studio visits.
These days, with high quality digital images and the option of virtual meetings, a great deal of documentation can be provided throughout the fabrication project.  That said, I would encourage project managers to look carefully at any and all documentation provided, and to ask questions and seek additional information and documentation if there are any concerns.
Roberta Bloom (she/her/hers)
Cultural Services Manager and
Public Art Supervisor
Library and Cultural Services | City of Aurora
Phone: 303.739.6747
From: <> On Behalf Of Mason, Cassandra
Sent: Friday, January 05, 2024 11:20 AM
To: Jarica Walsh <>;
Subject: RE: Studio Visit Question
Hi, Pre-Covid we did more in-state and border state studio visits. Now we are more likely to ask for photos or have Zoom calls with artists and committees. It works but I’m not sure if it’s a best practice. I feel something is lost when you 
Pre-Covid we did more in-state and border state studio visits.
Now we are more likely to ask for photos or have Zoom calls with artists and committees.
It works but I’m not sure if it’s a best practice. I feel something is lost when you don’t see the piece in person. For me, I need to see the scale to imagine what it will look like installed. That being said, I also have to put trust in the professional artist that we’ve hired to know what they are doing.
NH State Council on the Arts
From: <> On Behalf Of Jarica Walsh
Sent: Friday, January 5, 2024 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: Studio Visit Question
EXTERNAL: Do not open attachments or click on links unless you recognize and trust the sender.

Hi Marjorie,
If the artist is in-state, we try to get out there for at least one studio visit during fabrication. We build travel into our budget every year to cover these visits. But if the artist is out of state, no studio visits are conducted. Not only do we not have the budget, but all out of state travel requires Cabinet Secretary approval, so we generally reserve those requests for conference travel.
We ask for written monthly updates and images for all commissions and ask for video as follow-up if the images shared bring up more questions for us.
I think studio visits are invaluable in terms of relationship building and for developing the best possible final product artwork, and I wish we could conduct them for all commissions.
Jarica Walsh
Director of Visual and Public Art
Oklahoma Arts Council
405.255.9504 (voice/text)

From: Flanagan, Marjorie H (via public_art_network list) <>
Date: Friday, January 5, 2024 at 10:44 AM
To: <>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Studio Visit Question

Hello all you public art administrators!
What is your standard practice for studio visits on commissioned public art pieces?  Do you always do them?  Do you do them when you have money?  Do you never do them?  Do you do them when the artist is in the same city? Same state?  
Trying to get a gage on any universal practices.  I think it’s a best practice to see the piece in fabrication and discuss feedback with the artist in their studio or location of fabrication, but not sure how standard this is.  
LMK what you do 😊.  
Marjorie Flanagan
Director of Public Art
601 Colorado St.
Austin, TX 78701
512.463.4861 Office

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