Hello Tomora,


Here is the portion about of our City Art Plan policy covering decommissioning of artwork. In almost all cases, we are decommissioning artwork because it needs significant repairs or isn’t suited for another site. I typically use the highlight part of our policy below to simply give the artist first right of refusal to reclaim the piece.


Ronda Billerbeck, Cultural Programs Manager

Cultural Programs | Parks, Recreation & Community Services

220 Fourth Avenue South, Kent, WA 98032

Phone 253-856-5055 | Fax 253-856-6050



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Public Art Review Process:




A: To establish an orderly process for reviewing the status of public artwork.

B: To establish a procedure for removal or relocation of public works of art.


Review Process:


Review is initiated by the Arts Commission for one or more of the following reasons:


  1. The condition or security of the artwork cannot be reasonably guaranteed.
  2. The artwork requires excessive maintenance or has faulted design or workmanship and repair or remedy is impractical or unfeasible.
  3. The artwork has been damaged and repair is impractical or unfeasible.
  4. The artwork endangers public safety.
  5. No suitable site is available or significant changes in the use, character or design of the site have occurred which effects the integrity of the work.
  6. Significant adverse public reaction has continued unabated over an extended period of time.
  7. The quality or authenticity of the artwork is called into question.
  8. The sponsoring agency wishes to replace the artwork with a more appropriate work by the same artist.
  9. Removal is requested by the artist.


Review should include:


  1. Review of the artist contract and other agreements, which may pertain.
  2. Discussion with the artist of the concern prompting review.
  3. Opinions of more than one independent professional qualified to recommend on the concern prompting the review (conservators, engineers, architects, critics, art historians, safety experts, etc.)
  4. Review of written correspondence, press and other evidence of public debate.


The Kent Arts Commission shall hold the review and make their recommendation to the City Council.


Options to be Considered:


A.   Maintain the work in the current site.

  1. Relocation – the work was created for a specific site, relocation must be to a new site consistent with

       the artist’s intention. The artist’s assistance may be sought.

  1. Removal by sale, extended loan, trade or gift. Professional appraisals of the fair market value of the work should be obtained.
  1. If feasible, the artist should be given option on purchase
  2. Sale may be through auction, gallery resale or direct bidding by individuals
  3. Trade may be through artist, gallery museum or other institutions
  4. Proceeds from the sale of work should be deposited into the City Art Fund. Any pre-existing contractual agreements between the artists and the Kent Arts Commission regarding resale shall be honored.
  1. Destruction of the work. If destruction of the work is the only solution, whenever practical the artist shall be given first opportunity to remove the piece.


Provisions for Review and Amendment:


These guidelines are subject to periodic review and revisions by the staff, and upon consultation by the Arts Commission and recommendations shall be submitted for City Council approval.




From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Tomora Wright
Sent: Thursday, May 23, 2024 10:21 AM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: Deaccession Policy Returning Artworks to Artists


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Greetings All,


I am searching for policies and guidelines for deaccessioning artwork and returning the artwork to the artist. Our current guidelines prohibit us from gifting, selling, or returning artwork, as the artwork is a publicly owned item/ property under the County. We are trying to find support to convey 1) that the artwork should be offered back to the artist if it no longer serves the collection and 2) that artwork is not a surplus item like furniture or electronics that can be auctioned or disposed of. Do you know about any policies that make this distinction? Please direct me to any documents that might be useful in this context.


Many thanks,


Tomora Wright

Public Art Project Manager

Arlington Cultural Affairs | Arlington Arts

Arlington Economic Development

twright1@arlingtonva.us | 703.228.3771 office

Telecommuting Tuesdays and Fridays

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