Hello Public Art Colleagues,

The City of Mansfield, TX passed public art ordinances and policies last fall and we are now looking to hire our first ever public art program manager. If you are interested in the position, or have colleagues that may be interested, please check it out and pass it along: 
Direct link to job posting: https://recruiting2.ultipro.com/CIT1051CITT/JobBoard/5d2c111e-dfc1-4537-9009-8ec7aee7ce73/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=b67ff198-0144-4953-b41d-815e26170f19. 
City of Mansfield Jobs Board: https://www.mansfieldtexas.gov/332/Job-Opportunities

Thank you!
Rosalie Gilbert
Manager of Arts and Event Services
Community Engagement Department
1164 Matlock Rd, Mansfield, TX 76063