Hi Pax,
Our policy is that no current employees of the owner or user agency (or their family members), or committee members (or their family members), may apply to a public art call for that particular project. We do
ask committee members to sign a conflict of interest form (attached), although the form does not address the specific issue of applying to a call. We cover that in our policy documents.
Basically every meeting we have is a public meeting, so issues of non-public information sharing do not come up often. However, we do call an executive session when debating the merits or drawbacks of specific
artists to avoid any hurt feelings, and we respectfully request that what is discussed at the executive session is not shared publicly.
I hope this is at least a little bit helpful, even though it is kind of boilerplate stuff.
Michelle Laflamme-Childs
Public Art Program Director | New Mexico Arts
Department of Cultural Affairs
407 Galisteo St, Suite 270 | Santa Fe, NM 87501
505.827.6490 | 800.879.4278
From: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com [mailto:public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com]
On Behalf Of Pax
Sent: Friday, November 17, 2017 12:23 PM
To: public_art_network@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: conflict of interest question
Dear Public Art Network listserv members,
We have a nascent public art program, which is administered by a Public Art Advisory Panel. We came to the realization a few months in that two of the members of the panel brought in for their expertise in
structural engineering and landscaping respectively, would present a conflict of interest for the businesses where they work for projects we are planning, and they stepped down. We’ve replaced them with city employees.
The question now is how do we deal with having artists on the panel? Do we have to have artists sign a waiver that they will not apply to any projects for a certain amount of time during and after their tenure
on the panel? What about sharing information with other artists? Do we need to have them agree not to share any information that is not being shared publicly? How does that work?
I would love some best practices guidance from folks out in the field.
Pax Bobrow
Greater Augusta Arts Council
Project Manager
Arts Weekly Podcast | Arts Calendar | Calls for Artists
Arts in the Heart of Augusta Festival
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