I like your "voice", Helen. You communicate really well.

Thanks for being a part of the world.


On 1/17/18 9:56 AM, Helen Lessick wrote:
Hi Elizabeth,

I read your query as a question of art policy and contract accountability.

Most public art ordinances outline two or three options for municipalities to select an artist: open call, limited invitation and direct selection. I have used all these methods with good results.

Direct selection of an artist is a typical, if rarely used, option.  The artist is contracted for phases of research, design and notional budget; design refinement and final budget; and on approval, fabrication to installation. There is still a committee for proposal review, often an internal one. Conversation with, and oversight of, the contracted artist is needed for municipal permitting, structural engineering, installation and collection management.  The option of not to proceed is in the contract and can be invoked at any phase.

A municipality issues the RFQ to review of qualifications in order to select a contractor expend public funds for goods and services. Part of public employment is record keeping; tracking how public funds are expended.  I have been hired into public art administration situations where the program records are being audited.  You want to keep excellent records for yourself and administrators who will follow you.

As a public artist I know I offer unique skills and services; as an public art administrator I know I answer to the municipal body of the public, elected officials and the bureaucracy. Public artists have community engagement as part of their tool box; public art administrators do too. 

Getting a paid proposal from the artist, however she is selected, is the best practice.

Helen Lessick

On Jan 16, 2018, at 5:05 PM, Elizabeth Bowman <Elizabeth.Bowman@kcmo.org> wrote:

Hello Art Admins;


Have you ever sent out an RFQ and hired the artist directly from there without them developing a proposal?  I’m thinking you are missing a big piece of the process by eliminating the selection panel on the final process by doing so.  Would appreciate your thoughts and opinions please.




Elizabeth Bowman

Public Art Administrator

Architecture Division

General Services Department

City of Kansas City, Mo.

414 East 12th Street

Kansas City, MO 64106

Email: Elizabeth.Bowman@kcmo.org

Phone: 816-513-3422            

Fax: 816-513-2727



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