Hi all,



I am interested in hearing from those who have experience regarding playgrounds employing universal design.  Program managers, playground designers, and artists, it would be great to hear about your approaches and experiences in this field. 


Public Art and Permits:

Thank you for taking the time to respond to my question regarding permitting issues and municipal public art programs.  It seems that there are a wide variety of approaches.  Some programs have all permitting fees waived while others pay full fees for everything, and pretty much everything in between. Here we seem to be working toward a minimum charge that will cover the actual cost of document review and inspection.  It seems like a very reasonable compromise.



Thank you!





Roberta Bloom, Public Art Coordinator

Department of Library and Cultural Services | City of Aurora

14949 E. Alameda Pkwy., Aurora, CO 80012

office 303.739.6747
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