Dear Artists and Colleagues,
Utah Public Art Program announces a new call for artists living in the western United States for a project with the Utah State Archives.

The Archives is expanding the Rio Grande facility in Salt Lake City. The Art Selection Committee is interested in commissioning public artwork for the State Archives building to enhance the experience of Archives visitors and employees. As the State Archives approaches the 50th anniversary of its creation, the Committee would like this commissioned artwork to reflect in some way the role of the Archives as a repository of collective memory, documenting the people of Utah and preserving the records of democratic government in Utah.

Applications are being accepted at or via post. More information on the project and how to apply is available at 

Budget is up to $25,000 - Deadline: April 16, 2018

American and legal resident artists in the western United States (Utah, Idaho, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, California, Washington, Oregon, Montana and Wyoming) are eligible for this project.

Please refer any questions or comments to Jim Glenn at (801) 245-7271

Jim Glenn
Utah Division of Arts & Museums
Manager - Collections, Design, Visual and Public Art 
Office 801-245 7271 - Mobile 801-808-4557