I’ve been looking into it.  I will need to do tests with the paints we typically use—generally Sherwin Williams outdoor commercial-grade latex paint. But I’ve heard it works very well with artist-grade paints (Nova, Golden, etc.).  

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art

Arts Council of Indianapolis
924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN  46204
o (317) 631-3301 x240
m (317) 332-8382

On Apr 6, 2018, at 11:10 AM, Beth Tobey <btobey@cityofsantacruz.com> wrote:

Anyone used this? Have opinions? They say it’s “not a coating” but chemically fuses paint layers and provides pigments with protection against sun damage and vandalism. It’s a two step process – “Mural Shield” first then their “World’s Best Graffiti Coating.” I has apparently become popular with mural artists in Los Angeles.
<image001.png>Beth Tobey
Arts Program Manager
City of Santa Cruz Economic Development Office
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