
We used preformed thermoplastic made by Ennis Flint for the Chinatown Barnes Dance here in DC.

We looked at paints and epoxies. The paints were not durable enough. The epoxy took too long -24 hours-to dry. We could not shut down the intersection for that long. 

Todd Albin was our contractor and has been great to work with. 


Charles Bergen
202 546 2339

On Apr 25, 2018, at 8:24 PM, Jennifer <> wrote:

Hi there,

We are looking to commission 2 painted crosswalks in the City of Hollister, and I was wondering if anyone could share the following:


1.       Sample maintenance plan for painted crosswalks

2.       Paint recommendations- best for wear and tear

3.       And any traffic/engineering requirements specific to California (i.e. if certain types of crosswalks merit the commissioning of a traffic study)


I would appreciate any feedback, links or recommendations.


Thank you!


Jennifer Laine

Executive Director

San Benito County Arts Council

PO Box 692, Hollister CA 95023


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