There have been a number of crosswalk painting projects here.  Paint does not last long:  even the best application method won't get you past about a year without touch-ups, depending on the location and traffic flow.  Bike lane marker paint lasts longer but it's a more difficult process and the range of colors is much narrower. Thermoplastic insulation in high-traffic areas is about 2-3 years.  In low-traffic residential areas with overhanging shade you can get intersection and crosswalk paint projects to last 2 years.

Bottom line, it's a fun project with lots of community engagement potential, and there are several technical options based on site considerations and who's involved, but everyone has to understand that it's not permanent and will require maintenance and repainting.  

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art
Arts Council of Indianapolis

924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN  46204
(317) 631-3301 x 240
(317) 332-8382 mobile

On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 6:32 AM, Charles Bergen <> wrote:

We used preformed thermoplastic made by Ennis Flint for the Chinatown Barnes Dance here in DC. 

Here’s the project 

The material

We looked at paints and epoxies. The paints were not durable enough. The epoxy took too long -24 hours-to dry. We could not shut down the busy intersection for that long. 

Our contractor 
Todd Albin was our contractor and has been great to work with. He’s copied on the email. 


Charles Bergen
202 546 2339

On Apr 25, 2018, at 10:22 PM, Cheryl G Oliver <> wrote:

I’ll be most grateful if you’ll share any feedback you receive on this issue. We, too, are looking to painting some crosswalks in our community.
Thank you! 
Cheryl Oliver
Annette Howell Turner for the Arts
Valdosta, GA

Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 25, 2018, at 8:24 PM, Jennifer <> wrote:

Hi there,

We are looking to commission 2 painted crosswalks in the City of Hollister, and I was wondering if anyone could share the following:


1.       Sample maintenance plan for painted crosswalks

2.       Paint recommendations- best for wear and tear

3.       And any traffic/engineering requirements specific to California (i.e. if certain types of crosswalks merit the commissioning of a traffic study)


I would appreciate any feedback, links or recommendations.


Thank you!


Jennifer Laine

Executive Director

San Benito County Arts Council

PO Box 692, Hollister CA 95023


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