Passing along an public art opporunity…


Patricia Walsh

Public Art Programs Manager

Americans for the Arts

202.371.2830 x2024


Dear Ms. Walsh,


Thank you for speaking with me the other day about sending out a Call for Entries to the PAN membership. Below is the text we have been using:


"Six locations around the City of Fredericksburg, VA have been selected for the display of outdoor public sculpture from October, 2018 to September, 2019.  Liability insurance provided.  Stipend of $2000.  Artist responsible for delivery and removal.  Jury deadline for submission of existing or proposed work is July 1. No entry fee.   Application info: "​


Many thanks.

Preston Thayer

(Diretor, Public Sculpture Project)
1500 Prince Edward Street
Fredericksburg VA  22401
mobile:  540-287-1376