Agreed—avoid unless you know the copyright is in the public domain, but if you really want to do it, ask for permission through the book’s publisher.

Julia Muney Moore
Director of Public Art

Arts Council of Indianapolis
924 N. Pennsylvania St.
Indianapolis, IN  46204
o (317) 631-3301 x240
m (317) 332-8382

On Jun 6, 2018, at 4:18 PM, Beth Tobey <btobey@CITYOFSANTACRUZ.COM> wrote:

We recently did a painted reading bench program in City parks and we could not use copyrighted images on the benches from children’s books such as Harry Potter, Disney characters etc.



From: [] On Behalf Of Eva Marie Clarke
Sent: Wednesday, June 06, 2018 1:12 PM
Subject: Re: "fair use" in mural design


Hi Nicole


My gut screams “Tell them to talk to the lawyers!”


At the very least, they need to track down the artist and ask for permission. It also depends on what the publisher’s contract stipulated is fair use.


For what it’s worth

Eva Marie


Eva Marie Clarke

Communications Officer

edmonton arts council

p: 780.424.2787 ext 235


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Hello, colleagues. A local charter school -- not administered by the city -- has expressed interest in having a mural painted on the exterior of their building. Their initial design concept is to scale up an illustration from an existing, copyrighted children’s book. I’d like to determine whether not this would likely constitute legal fair use, on the grounds of it being partial (a complete illustration, but only part of the book) and arguably educational. I suggested that their artist might want to approach the Maryland Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts for guidance, and I’d welcome input from the list as well.




Nicole DeWald, Arts Supervisor

City of Greenbelt, Maryland


On Facebook: Greenbelt Recreation ARTS

On Instagram: greenbeltrecreationarts




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