Dear Lisa,
I think this idea is somewhere on the range of very uncomfortable to terrible. It sets up an unprofessional environment for what is in effect a job interview and turns the public art process for this project into an episode of “America’s Got Talent.”
I would ask your colleagues at this corporation if they often interview candidates for other jobs within their company and if they would ever make a video featuring the people who lost the job. I am guessing this is not part of their regular practice. But keep us posted. Maybe this is part of their HR process?
I can also see the possibility of taped interviews creating an environment where the panel to not want to express themselves with complete honesty during the review process because they are uncomfortable with the filming.
If you do continue with this, the fact that the interviews will be filmed and potentially made public needs to be included in the call for artists so artists have the opportunity to make a decision whether or not they are comfortable with this idea from the beginning.
Renee Piechocki
On Tue, Jul 10, 2018, at 4:50 PM, Lisa Mariam wrote:
We’re coordinating the artist selection process for a public art project at a corporate headquarters, and five finalists will present and interview later this month. The firm would like to document the process by filming the presentation/interviews
and incorporating them into a video about the final work.
Have you had any experience with filming presentations, and if so have you used a waiver that you could share?
Thank you,
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