I’m looking for particularly elegant and simple examples of City-mandated signage / plaque guidelines for private development requirements.


Our own program signage is fairly straightforward. For the private development requirements, I’m trying to avoid citing municipal code, etc. while still putting folks on notice that the artwork is intended to be freely accessible and has specific associated legal requirements, even if it continues to be owned and maintained privately.


At the moment I’m stuck with this:

Artwork commissioned in accordance with Oakland Municipal Code 15.78: Public Art for Private Development


When possible, I encourage the developers to include the artists in their signage design decisions, but I don’t have any good examples yet to share with applicants.


If you are happy with your signage requirements please share!



Kristen Zaremba

Public Art Coordinator

Cultural Affairs Division, Economic and Workforce Development Department

City of Oakland, 1 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza, 9th Floor

Oakland, CA 94612

510-238-2155 / kzaremba@oaklandnet.com

http://www.oaklandculturalarts.org or http://www.oaklandca.gov