Hello Xenia, have you tried contacting someone at the Center for Health Design at 

I haven’t had a healthcare client for a while, so I haven’t kept up any contacts there, but I can tell you that there is a significant body of research that exists about the calming benefits of art in healthcare facilities. I suspect that someone at the Center for Health Design may know if there has been any recent research related to art and homelessness. Or maybe even tell you how to get such a study started and funded if one does not already exist!

James Martin

On Mon, Jul 30, 2018 at 2:52 PM Diente, Xenia (DDC) <DienteX@ddc.nyc.gov> wrote:

Hello Public Art Network Listserv,


Does anyone have a write-up on benefits or a good examples of public art or arts programming in a shelter that is uplifting, calming, inspiring? Could be for single adults or families with children.  We would like to pass on these public art examples/case studies/best practices to colleagues who are writing guidelines.


Thank you,



Xenia Diente | Public Art Deputy Director

Office of the Chief Architect

NYC Department of Design and Construction

30-30 Thomson Av., Long Island City, NY 11101
office 718-391-1504 | mobile 347-324-6130

dientex@ddc.nyc.gov | nyc.gov/ddc


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James Martin
Art consultant, curator, educator, writer