AFTA has all this info available.  I have copied Cristyn Johnson at AFTA who is the LAA field rep


Andy Witt


From: [] On Behalf Of Sarah Triplett
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2018 12:08 PM
Subject: Arts Commission


Dear All, 


I'm working with several local communities who are interested in establishing an arts commission. For those of you with an arts commission or familiarity with your local arts commission, I'm reaching out to see if anyone would be willing to share: 

  • If your arts commission/city has a definition for "arts and culture" and what that definition includes, and 
  • If you'd be willing to provide a link to your arts commission ordinance in the city charter. 

So appreciate your consideration of this request. 


Sarah Gonzales Triplett 

Director of Public Policy and Advocacy 

Creative Many Michigan 

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