Hello PAN listserv:

Has anyone been following this? Apparently, the City of Chicago has decided to sell the painting, commissioned for this branch in 1995 for $10,000 via the Percent for Art program, to create funds to renovate and improve the library branch (much needed), and establish a permanent public art fund for art in low-income communities (the Rahm Emanuel and Amy Rule Public Art Fund, in fact). Article from the Tribune here. It is estimated that the painting will now fetch between $10 - 20 million at auction with Christie's in NYC.

I am very interested in others thoughts on this. I have a pretty strong opinion, but I'll hold off right now.


Sallyann Kluz

Director for the Office of Public Art
810 Penn Avenue, 6th Floor
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15222
tel 412.391.2060 x251 
| fax 412.394.4280

Artists: see you on October 14 at the Artist Resource Fair! Free and open to all.