unsupervised graff art area at skate park?
Steve Wright 07 Feb 2025 20:48 UTC
Hello Colleagues,
Does anyone have any experience and advice on encouraging unsupervised graffiti art on designated areas at their local municipal skate park? Imagine an outer concrete wall at the skate park w/ signage saying "Your graffiti art here" and "please no profanity, gang tags," etc., etc.
Goal is to encourage expression in one designated area, vs. current state where fairly unaesthetic tags are being marked all over the park infrastructure.
We can imagine and could organize a more formal artist-led project, but our Parks & Rec department is also interested in this unsupervised idea above.
Thanks for any experience and advice you can share!
Steve Wright
Public Art Coordinator
Town of Chapel Hill
Community Arts & Culture<https://www.chapelhillarts.org/>
100 Library Drive
Chapel Hill, NC 27514