Hello State Education Policy Network members,


As we continue navigating this unprecedented crisis, we want to provide a space for our networks to gather to share resources, strategies, and insight in response to the pandemic. We’d like to convene SEPN to discuss the ongoing challenges in the statewide arts ed sector amid school closures, digital learning, and future budget constraints.


Please complete this Doodle poll by 5pmEST on Friday, March 27; I will send the Zoom call information on Monday with the group’s preferred time. We are looking at April 2, 7, and 8 as potential call dates.


In the meantime, please share any thoughts or questions that you would like to address on this call with the listserv or with me directly. I will compile your feedback into a loose agenda.


As a reminder, you are welcome to use this listserv for support and resource sharing whenever you need.


I wish you, your families, and your communities good health and safety!





Kelly Fey Bolender

Arts Education Program Manager

Americans for the Arts

1000 Vermont Ave NW 6th Floor

Washington, DC 20005-4940

202.371.2830 x2041


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