Following Jeff’s suggestion below, here are some Arts Integration Professional Development Sessions that will be available in the Midwest this summer. Please share with anyone in your part of the country you think might be interested.
Thanks, Jeff for letting us send this out to everyone.
Ben Martin, Executive Director

From: Jeff Poulin []
Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 7:54 AM
To: Ben Martin
Subject: RE: Arts Integration and STEAM Professional Development This Summer
Hi Ben,
This is great. It’s also a nice thing that you might consider sharing with the SEPN. You can do so by emailing ''
My best,
From: Ben Martin <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2018 10:22 PM
To: Harlan Brownlee <>; Hester Menier <>; Jeff Melsha <>; Jeff Poulin <>; Jennifer Forest-James <>; Jennifer Wampler <>; Jo Byrnes <>; Ken Adams <>; Kenneth Stilson <>
Subject: FW: Arts Integration and STEAM Professional Development This Summer
I’m forwarding this message about summer professional development. I hope you find the opportunities described here useful.
Ben Martin, Executive Director

The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is proud to support these fine professional development opportunities for Missouri educators this summer. Two Arts Integration sessions will provide teachers
The Missouri Alliance for Arts Education is proud to support these fine professional development opportunities for Missouri educators this summer. Two Arts Integration sessions will provide teachers of all grade levels and subjects with proven techniques to incorporate the arts into their teaching. STEAM V will enter its 5th year of revealing a whole different spin on Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math education.
One thing we have discovered over the years while working with Arts Integration and STEAM is that these workshops have the most positive impact on your schools when a faculty team attend together. Ideally, an arts educator will partner with an administrator and non-arts educator to really begin incorporating these ideas into the work of educating students.
Opportunity #1 STEAM—Hands On Problem Solving Without Getting Burned! (See attached STEAM V poster for details) July 24-25, 2018 Goal: To provide teachers with three creative problem solving systems that will teach students meta cognition or how to, "Think Outside the Box." Description: STEAM V is a two day professional development workshop introducing three different creative problem solving systems-Design Thinking/Disney Effect/Accessing the Intuitive. This year the workshop will bring back STEAM artist Zack Smithey and feature Emmy award winner Tim Gore of Educate.Today/ HECTV. In addition to hands on creative problem solving there will be a field trip to the HECTV Studios to see the groundbreaking work in education technology. This workshop is capped at a maximum of 30 participants.
Opportunity #2 2018 COCAedu Summer Institute for Arts Integration for Teachers (See attached COCAedu flyer) July 23–25, 2018 Teaching artists and facilitators from across the country lead teachers through three days of learning experiences that provide concrete strategies for the classroom. Hosted at the School District of University City Administrative Office.
Opportunity #3 KCMetro Arts Integration Symposium (See the attached KCMetro flyer) July 23—25, 2018 Johnson County Community College Regnier Center ǀ Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art ǀ Carlsen Center Join us for this three-day symposium to explore the power of the arts in engaging students, strengthening comprehension, and bringing content areas to life. |