Good morning,
Wednesday, September 4th, ArtsNow is bringing
Jessica Stern- Private Sector Initiatives Program Manager, Americans for the Arts (AFTA), to Summit County. Following a public training for nonprofit partners, we will be hosting a private reception for AFTA members to spend time with Jessica.
We would like to extend the invitation to attend to you and your leadership team, as partners in this work. (Please note, while the earlier event is public the reception is invite only and not open to the public. This is in honor of your participation with AFTA and ArtsNow in this pilot year.)
Times and venues are pending, but please save the date on Wednesday, September 4th from 7-8: 30 pm. Details will be forthcoming.
Thank you so much for your commitment to advancing the arts in Summit County and your willingness to partner with ArtsNow on this pilot.
With gratitude,
Should you be interested in meeting Jessica in advance (albeit electronically) and making good use of your AFTA membership, the following is a free webinar set for this week!
June 2019 Membership Briefing: Introducing the NEW pARTnership Movement
Thursday, June 20 @ 3:00PM EDT
Member Briefings are our monthly opportunity to talk to you about what’s happening now! For June, we will be joined by Jessica Stern, Private Sector Initiatives Program Manager with Americans for the Arts. We’ll get a special preview of the soon-to-be launched redesigned pARTnership Movement website. The pARTnership Movement is a program and online platform of Americans for the Arts that demonstrates that by partnering with the arts businesses can gain a competitive edge. Join us to get a tour of the new features and resources that will be available to help strengthen your business partnerships.