All ArtsU Webinars are at 3:00 p.m. (EST)
Making Headlines
To capture the attention of presidential candidates in Iowa during the state fair, Americans for the Arts and the Arts Action Fund ran an ad in local Iowa papers featuring why the arts are important in that state. Check out the full-page color ad that appeared in the August 8 edition of the
Des Moines Register,
Cedar Rapids Gazette
Clarinda Herald-Journal.
Additional presence at two free Iowa community events, including the Iowa Arts Forum, August 15, in Des Moines, and a smaller Iowa Arts Forum: Community Conversation at the Clarinda Carnegie Art Museum on August 14, kept the importance of arts and arts education top of mind for Iowans —and candidates! The Iowa Arts Forum was streamed live on Facebook, and can be viewed on the Arts Action Fund's Facebook page.
Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch was named to the 2019 NPT Power & Influence Top 50, an annual list by
The NonProfit Times
highlighting the nonprofit sector's top working executives for innovation and influence on the broader sector. This is the fifth year that Lynch has been recognized by the publication for his leadership for Americans for the Arts. He was previously recognized in 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2018.
Advocacy News
Americans for the Arts has been pursuing more federal legislative priorities this year than ever before. To help track the various federal legislative priorities, we have released a one-page advocacy tool. We are working to ensure that federal lawmakers understand the many policy areas the arts impact in communities across the nation.
This diverse policy agenda is made possible by an active Congressional Arts Caucus and Senate Cultural Caucus, a growing coalition of pro-arts organizations, and motivated grassroots advocates in every state. This update is free to download and can easily be shared with friends and colleagues. Read more and download here.
On August 1, the U.S. Senate confirmed National Endowment for the Arts Acting Chairman Mary Anne Carter as the agency's twelfth chairman. Carter will serve a term of four years. She has served as acting chairman of the NEA since June 2018, after serving 18 months as the agency's senior deputy chairman.
Officially nominated to a four-year term as chairman in November 2018, Carter is the former chief policy adviser to former Florida Governor Rick Scott.
Each year, Americans for the Arts speaks at the annual conference of the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL). At the recent NCSL conference in Nashville, Americans for the Arts Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Jay Dick, spoke on a panel titled "The Battle Within: Preventing Military Suicides." Joining him on the panel were representatives from NCSL, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, and the medical community. While Americans for the Arts has a long history of talking about how the arts assist veterans with PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), this is the first time
that we have spoken directly on suicide prevention using the arts. The session, and Jay's comments, were well-received, and we look forward to expanding our work in this area.
The National Assessment Governing Board (NAGB) is a nonpartisan, independent board set up by Congress in 1988 to oversee policy and administration of the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), otherwise known as "The Nation's Report Card." In July, NAGB made a surprise announcement that it was terminating assessments in geography, economics, foreign languages, and the arts. The last NAEP in the Arts, an assessment of student knowledge and skills in the arts, was released in 2017 and was scheduled to be administered next in 2024. Americans for the Arts, along with other national arts and arts education organizations, has crafted a statement in response which is open for all organizations to sign. Click here to read the statement and join the letter.
Serving the Needs of the Field
Register for the 2019 National Arts Marketing Project Conference before Friday, August 23, 11:59 p.m. (EST) to lock in early-bird pricing and save up to $100. This November 15-18, you and more than 650 arts marketers will explore what's next for:
- Digital Marketing
- Cultural Equity
- Audience Engagement
- Social Media
- Analytics
- Storytelling
- Growing Revenue
Beginning this fall and continuing throughout 2020, Americans for the Arts will be recruiting approximately 250 community partners to participate in our sixth national economic impact study,
Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 (AEP6).
Partners may choose to focus on an individual city or town, a county, a multi-county region, or an entire state (or any combination thereof). Each partner will receive a customized report about how the nonprofit arts and cultural industry support jobs and generate government revenue in their community. Contracts will be available later this fall and must be approved by September 30, 2020. Professional members of Americans for the Arts will receive a discount on the participation fee.
To add your organization to the list of interested partners, contact Ben Davidson, Senior Director of Research Services, at
improved economic modeling techniques will provide deeper and more specific findings about the industries supported by, and government revenue generated by, the arts industry and its customers.)
This week we launched the 2019 PAN Year in Review Blog Salon, where we heard from several artists and administrators whose projects were selected for the 2019 PAN Year in Review. The focus of this year's salon was to hear how the selected project engaged or impacted the community for whom the project was created.
Knowing what positive impact public art can have on communities, we asked our authors to consider three prompts:
- How did their project enhance the community?
- In what ways was the community engaged, either during the development of the artworks or after?
- What positive impact did the project have on the community?
Check out their responses and learn of the myriad ways that public art can provide an open and positive experience for different communities across the U.S.
As local and state arts leaders, we know you have a lot of research and data to track. One way we make this easier for you is by creating handy one-page summaries for dozens of studies, from the latest
Giving USA
reports to economic impact of the arts studies to arts education research. Plus, our reports are free and easy to access. Keep your quiver of case-making arrows for the arts current by visiting us here.
It takes a passionate team to serve our members and we want your help! Check out the open positions at Americans for the Arts to find your next career or share them with colleagues and friends. Visit our Careers page for information on the following jobs: Arts Action Fund Membership Associate, Creative Forces Project Coordinator, Leadership Alliances Coordinator, Membership Manager, Database Manager, and Vice President of Private Sector Initiatives.
partnership & philanthropy news
 Americans for the Arts is excited to present the Arts and Business Partnership Awards on October 3 in New York City. These awards recognize businesses of all sizes for their exceptional involvement with the arts that enrich the workplace, enhance education, and transform communities. For outstanding contributions, we honor an individual arts champion with the Leadership Award. An extraordinary collaboration between a business and its arts partner is awarded the David Rockefeller pARTnership Award. Join us in celebrating these incredible arts champions.
Every year, Americans for the Arts partners with the Conference Board to measure business contributions to the arts. In the 2018 edition, we found some critical data about why and how businesses partner with the arts. Highlights include: 79 percent of businesses believe the arts improve the quality of life in the community, 63 percent of businesses believe the arts contribute to the economy of the community, and 53 percent of businesses agree that the arts spark creativity. Help us provide the best data we can to help businesses and arts organizations make informed decisions. Take the survey today!
Chambers of Commerce are important partners in our communities. They convene businesses, advocate for business-friendly policies, and have a voice at the economic-development table. Local arts agencies with established partnerships with their Chambers can expand their network, explore new relationships with businesses, and provide the voice for how the arts can be part of community-building solutions. Join our Private Sector Network call to hear from Nicole Mullet, Executive Director at Arts Now in Akron, Ohio; and Steve Millard, President & CEO of the Akron Chamber of Commerce, about their partnership and what they hope to accomplish.
Congratulations to the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville for winning a free 2020 Americans for the Arts membership through their participation in our member survey raffle. By creating mutually beneficial partnerships between the arts and business communities, the Arts & Business Council of Greater Nashville works to contribute to Nashville's robust creative culture. We look forward to supporting their work (and yours) in 2020 and beyond. Organizational members: watch for your renewal notice in September!
Los Angeles-based dance company, DIAVOLO, has redefined dance and utilized their unique style of movement as a tool to help restore veterans' physical, mental, and emotional strengths through workshops and public performances in communities all around the country. With NEA support, DIAVOLO Veterans Project began a residency in March at Kansas State University, serving as a pilot program that will document the residency's methodologies and best practices, so other organizations can replicate the performance program.
JOb bank
Have you visited the
Americans for the Arts Job Bank lately? With nearly 12,000 page views a month and jobs from across the country, it's the perfect place to post and find a job in the arts. Member organizations get discounts on posting jobs by using the code
For more info contact
Current featured jobs include:
Exhibits Manager
Festival of Arts/Pageant of the Masters
Laguna Beach, California
Photos: Americans for the Arts President and CEO Robert L. Lynch; photo by Rana Faure. National Endowment for the Arts Chairman Mary Anne Carter. Americans for the Arts Senior Director of State and Local Government Affairs, Jay Dick, and new Oklahoma State Senator (and former Oklahomans for the Arts Director) Julia Kirt at the National Conference of State Legislatures' Annual Meeting. NAMPC attendees; photo by Robert Wade. "Dreams, Diaspora and Destiny" by artists Joshua Mays, King Britt, and Eric Okdeh; photo by Steve Weinik. Americans for the Arts Vice President of Research and Policy Randy I. Cohen. Americans for the Arts staff members at 2019 Annual Convention in Minneapolis; photo by Sylvain Gaboury. KSU DIAVOLO Veterans Project Performance March 2019; photo by Cale Mitchell Photography.