Good morning UAF colleagues,

As we in Seattle approach the launch of ArtsFund’s 50th anniversary celebrations (!!) we’re considering doing some data mining and benchmarking of our grantee data across the decades (e.g. income/expense ratio, attendance numbers, % corporate support, earned vs. contributed ratio…).  In our ideal scenario, we can not only benchmark locally, but also offer comparison to trends in other cities.  Has anyone done similar analysis in your region, or have other applicable data to share? 

Approaching from another angle, perhaps comparing snapshots of current aggregate data on some of these points from UAFs across the country could be informative for us all?



Sarah Sidman

ArtsFund | Vice President of Strategic Initiatives & Communications

O: 206-281-9050 | D: 206-788-3051

10 Harrison St. Ste. 200, Seattle, WA 98109 | facebook | twitter