Happy New Year Everyone!


Each year, Americans for the Arts celebrates companies and individuals that set the standard for excellence, serving as role models for others to follow. The honorees are celebrated each Fall at the Arts + Business Partnership Awards gala in New York City. Nominations close January 31, 2020.


Nominate a business for their exceptional involvement with the arts that enrich the workplace, education, and the community.


Nominate a business person for the Leadership Award, which recognizes an individual for his/her extraordinary vision, leadership, and commitment to supporting the arts.


Nominate a business and an and arts organization (or artist) for The David Rockefeller Award, which recognizes an exceptional project, program, or initiative that represents a true alliance, collaboration, or exchange between the two.


Thank you for your hard work to build inspiring arts and business partnerships. Please share this information through your networks and in your community. Businesses can be of any size, from any type of community, and need not have the majority of their partnership work be based on financial giving. We look forward to receiving your nominations.


Best regards,



Jessica Stern
Private Sector Initiatives Programs Manager

Americans for the Arts
1 E 53rd Street 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022
212.223.2787 x1113
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