These are busy days indeed, Alecia! Glad to hear from you.

Other ARF we looked at across the country made it first-come, first serve until all the funds were expended, but we know it's going to take time for the word to get out to our full community, especially grass-roots artists.  So, instead we set up four rounds, and reserved $5,000-$7,000 per round, depending on demand. This should hopefully get us to the end of April. 

On April 2nd we reviewed applications we received between March 25-April 1.
On April 10 we will begin reviewing applications we received between April 2-April 9.
On April 17 we will begin reviewing applications we received between April 10-April 16.
On April 24 we will begin reviewing applications we received between April 17-April 23.

We funded 15 artists in the first round (everyone that applied received funding, but we did scale the grant amounts based on the request and evaluation score-not every artist automatically gets $500.) We have almost 30 applications for the 2nd round, and the applications keep coming.  We're hoping to receive additional outside funding so we don't have to shorten our rounds down to three to meet the demand.

Building the plane as we fly it.

Kelley Gibson


Cultural Alliance of York County

14 West Market St., York PA 17401


From: <> on behalf of Alecia Kintner <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Americans for the Arts] Artist Relief Grant Administration Samples
Thanks Kelley for this and thanks Susan, for asking the question. I'm sorry I was not on the call at noon today; we had a board call conflict. These are busy days!!!!

ArtsWave is trying to figure an artist relief plan out, too. Kelley, your program looks great. Can I ask how many applications you recd in your first round? How are you trying to manage the risk of being innundated with applicants? 

Be well, friends!


From: <> on behalf of Kelley Gibson <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:33 PM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Americans for the Arts] Artist Relief Grant Administration Samples

Caution: This message originated outside of the ArtsWave email system. Use caution before downloading any attachments or clicking on any links. 

Good to see you as well today, Susan! Glad to hear you were able to find a donor.  Attached are our York Artist Relief Fund grant application and evaluation - we do have a panel that reviews them solely online weekly. We've funded one round and are preparing to fund our 2nd round this week. Grant guidelines here:

I think one of the biggest lessons we're learning is just how little documentation artists keep on their gigs, especially for our underserved/marginalized artists. We are pretty open on what we consider documentation - emails, facebook messages, screen shots of text messages between the artist and the promoter; we've allowed all of that to help artists apply for the funds. Proof of their loss of income can be difficult for some to provide.

Let me know any questions you might have.

Kelley Gibson


Cultural Alliance of York County

14 West Market St., York PA 17401


From: <> on behalf of Susan Mendenhall <>
Sent: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 4:09 PM
Cc: Daniel Ross
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] Artist Relief Grant Administration Samples

Hi UAF Colleagues,

It was great to see you this afternoon. Thanks to our friends at AFTA for coordinating the call. We just learned that we may have a funder for an individual artist relief fund. Would you be willing to share samples of grant guidelines, applications and review documents? Any lessons learned?

With gratitude,

Susan Mendenhall
Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne
300 East Main Street
Fort Wayne, IN  46802 
Office: (260) 424-0646
(260) 444-9157
ArtsTix Community Box Office: (260) 422-4226

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