Hello, UAF colleagues –
Fund for the Arts (Louisville, KY) seeks grant reviewers from outside of Kentucky to provide an unbiased, expert perspective on our annual general operating support grant applications. We are reaching out to you, as a leader in your field, with an invitation to participate on the Grant Review Panel. Below is additional information about our process. A key consideration in building our panel is diversity.
Will I be paid for my participation?
Yes, we will provide a stipend of $600. Meals, hotel, and travel (mileage reimbursement or flight) will also be covered.
What is the review process?
Panelists will have approximately four weeks to read and score all applications via an online portal. Panelists will then come to Louisville to participate in the Grant Review Panel sessions, during which panelists will meet with all applicants to ask clarifying questions about the applications. After each applicant meets with the panel, the panelists will submit their final scores and comments.
What is the review timeline?
You will gain access to the applications on July 6, 2021. You will have until August 2, 2021 to submit your initial scores and comments. The Grant Review Panel sessions will take place August 4, 5, and 6, 2021 in Louisville KY. Please note that we are closely monitoring COVID-19 and following all state and local public health protocols. Should we need to do so, we will shift to a virtual format.
How much of my time is required?
We estimate that each application will require 1 to 1.5 hours to review and score. We estimate that we will have 30 applicants. The applicants are divided into three categories: Level 1 (organizations with annual operating revenues $300,000 and below), Level 2 ($300,001 to $1 million), and Level 3 ($1 million+). Level 3 applicants submit significantly more information than do Level 1 applicants, so the amount of time necessary to review the application varies by Level. Additionally, your time will be spent traveling to and from Louisville and in the three-day Grant Review Panel sessions. Prior to the panel meetings, we will host a call with the panelists to go over all review materials and answer any questions you may have (once we have all reviewers confirmed, we will schedule this call).
To learn more about our general operating support grants, please visit our Sustaining Impact Grant webpage: https://fundforthearts.org/about/funding-a-vibrant-community/sustaining-impact-grants/
If you are interested in participating on the Grant Review Panel, please send your resume to kabner@fundforthearts.org. Please also feel free to call me at 859-691-0319 with any questions you may have.
All the best,
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