Thanks, Maury! Hope all is well with you all as well.


Kind Regards,




Kelley Gibson, President


Cultural Alliance of York County


2536 Eastern Blvd, PMB 402, York PA 17402


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From: <> On Behalf Of Maury Sparrow
Sent: Friday, September 30, 2022 3:56 PM
Subject: Re: [Americans for the Arts] Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue


Hi, Kelly!


We do not receive hotel/motel tax revenue.


Good to hear from you and hope you’re well!


Maury Sparrow

Communications Director 


Helping art come to life    OFFICE  859.255.2951    CELL  859.351.3502   




From: <> on behalf of Kelley Gibson <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Friday, September 30, 2022 at 3:41 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] Hotel/Motel Tax Revenue


Good afternoon, everyone. I hope this Friday finds you well.


We are currently in talks with our county commissioners about re-allocating a portion of the hotel/motel tax to us that currently all goes to our CVB.  We envision using it for regranting for cultural events/programs throughout our county.  I wanted to survey you all to find out the following to help with my case for support:


-Does your org receive hotel/motel tax revenue? If so, what percentage?

-What is this revenue used for in your community (project/program funding? Operational allocations?)


Thanks, everyone!


Kind Regards,




Kelley Gibson, President


Cultural Alliance of York County


2536 Eastern Blvd, PMB 402, York PA 17402


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