Hey Maury,

  1. Does your organization host workplace giving / employee giving campaigns? - YES
  2. What percentage of your annual campaign is workplace giving? - NOT SURE BUT <10%
  3. What software do you use to manage such? - RAZOR'S EDGE
  4. Do you use the same software as your main CRM? - YES
  5. Do you know of other software that might be beneficial to someone looking? - NO

Michael Greer 

ArtsFund | President and CEO

100 W. Harrison St. Ste. S150, Seattle, WA 98119

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From: uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> on behalf of Maury Sparrow <msparrow@lexarts.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2023 12:21 PM
To: uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com>
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] Workplace/Employee Giving

Hello, friends!


LexArts is gearing up for our 2023 Fund for the Arts Campaign and have a quick query:


  1. Does your organization host workplace giving / employee giving campaigns?
  2. What percentage of your annual campaign is workplace giving?
  3. What software do you use to manage such?
  4. Do you use the same software as your main CRM?
  5. Do you know of other software that might be beneficial to someone looking?


BIG thanks for your time!




Maury Sparrow

Communications Director 


Helping art come to life   msparrow@lexarts.org    OFFICE  859.255.2951    CELL  859.351.3502   




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