Good Morning!
I wanted to let you all know about several upcoming virtual learning opportunities related to private sector work. Please take a look and register! If you are unavailable, you can register anyway and the presentation will be emailed to
registrants following the live portion.
- August Member Briefing:
Tomorrow’s Member Briefing will focus on Americans for the Arts’ Private Sector Initiatives. We’ll talk about the pARTnership Movement, our Business Contributions to the Arts research, and I’ll be available to answer any questions about our Private
Sector work. Register here:
- Private Sector Network Call:
Wednesday, September 6 at 2:00 p.m. EST. This call will continue our focus on the creative economy and will explore new funding models that support and engage the creative economy. Register here:
- Exploring and Applying the Bureau of Economic Analysis Creative Economy Research Tools and Data:
Thursday, September 27 at 3:00 p.m. EST. This session will explore the rich data mine that is the Arts and Culture Production Satellite Account (ACPSA) data, and the interactive dashboard of that data developed by the National Assembly of State
Arts Agencies, which presents state-level information on creative industries and economic impact. Hear from the NASAA and the NEA about this project and how the data is being used in different communities. Register here:
We look forward to connecting with you all during these great upcoming offerings!
Jessica Stern
Private Sector Initiatives Programs Manager
Americans for the Arts
1 E 53rd Street 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022
212.223.2787 x1113
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