Hello!  Here are the responses for Culture Works in Dayton:


1. Do you receive public funds from local or state sources? Yes

2. Do you count public funds as part of your annual campaign? No

3. What are the sources of your public funds (i.e. Food & Beverage Tax, Local Sales Tax, etc.) Ohio Arts Council support, occasional project funds from Montgomery County (not in the last two years)

4. What are the uses of your public funds (i.e. Public Art, grantmaking, facilities management, etc.) General operating

5. What percentage of your total budget are from public funds? 2.5%


We also receive roughly $30-35K per year from Montgomery County for Individual Artist Grants, but this is purely pass-through funding. We take a very small administrative fee.



Dorie Watts

Manager of Strategic Initiatives


Culture Works

110 North Main Street, Suite 165

Dayton, OH  45402

937-222-2787 x 205



Find us on:  cid:image003.jpg@01CEF02B.3D970350  cid:image004.jpg@01CEF02B.3D970350  cid:image005.jpg@01CEF02B.3D970350


From: uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> On Behalf Of Liza Zenni
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 12:12 PM
To: uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com
Subject: RE: [Americans for the Arts] State/Local Government Funding Inquiry




From: uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com [mailto:uaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Susan Mendenhall
Sent: Thursday, November 15, 2018 11:17 AM
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] State/Local Government Funding Inquiry


Dear United Arts Fund Leaders:


It was a pleasure to see many of you in Chattanooga! Some of us had discussion about private vs. public funds for your campaign and organization. Here are some questions to put out there:


1. Do you receive public funds from local or state sources?

2. Do you count public funds as part of your annual campaign?

3. What are the sources of your public funds (i.e. Food & Beverage Tax, Local Sales Tax, etc.)

4. What are the uses of your public funds (i.e. Public Art, grantmaking, facilities management, etc.)

5. What percentage of your total budget are from public funds?


Feel free to add questions.









Susan Mendenhall
Arts United of Greater Fort Wayne
300 East Main Street
Fort Wayne, IN  46802
(260) 424-0646
(260) 444-9157
ArtsTix Community Box Office: 
(260) 422-4226





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