Here’s the latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) news…
A reminder that we are circulating this news digest weekly on Tuesday. We are continuing to update the Resource Center on a regular basis. If you see interesting or helpful items or have a resource to share, please email me at
We invite you to share this news roundup with your networks and colleagues.
(We will feature new offerings here – free to low-cost opportunities. Previous listings have been moved down to below the signature)
Because of COVID-19, many performing arts organizations are considering livestreaming events or presenting prerecorded performances online, but there are many legal issues for presenters and artists to consider
before moving into this new realm of arts programming. On Wednesday, September 16 from 12-1 pm, Georgia Lawyers for the Arts and Georgia Council for the Arts are presenting a webinar on the Legal Issues of Livestreaming. This session will present a broad overview
of the issues performing arts organizations and artists should consider before livestreaming or presenting taped events. Participants may ask questions of the presenter.
Starting SmART: Strategies for Dealing with the Money Side of Your Creativity is a six-week process to jumpstart excellent financial habits for your creative career. Each session will address a common financial
question faced by creative entrepreneurs through an action-oriented answer. Participants will receive materials and personalized answers to their questions throughout. All sessions will be recorded, so participants can catch up if they miss a session.
Billing and payment preferences for citizens are evolving, a trend that was true before COVID and that has been accelerated by the pandemic. Now, with the push to move services online, local officials must understand
how preferences and security concerns differ across generations, what new payment methods are emerging and how to serve all citizens within the county. This webinar, developed in partnership with ACI Worldwide and the National Association of County Collectors,
Treasurers, and Finance Officers, will address these issues and share consumer research findings on each topic.
Thanks for reading. We hope you find this news digest to be a helpful tool to navigate this very complex situation, and welcome feedback at If you were forwarded this and want to sign up for the Local Arts Network listserv to receive it directly,
click here.
Jerelle Jenkins
Local Arts Services Coordinator
Americans for the Arts
In partnership with Sozo Creative and sponsored by Rena Shagan Associates and Performing Arts Readiness, join APAP for another installation of APAP BREAK/ROOM Conversations on Tuesday, September 15th , 2020 from 1pm - 5pm EDT. APAP BREAK/ROOM
Conversations is a unique series of virtual dialogues with leaders across our field---artists, presenters, producers, agents, managers, funders and other cultural workers---launched in response to the current crisis. Industry voices engage in discussions to
provide insight and thinking about the current crisis, stabilization, recovery and transformation.
On March 14th, 2020, the Arts Council for Long Beach cancelled its monthly art walk because of COVID-19 health orders. We knew that this moment was already catastrophic because so many artists sell their art, perform their music, and promote
their practice to the community during this event. So, on March 26th, we launched our first virtual live stream event and created the Keep Arts Working project. Since then we have partnered with 2 local media
outlets, more than a dozen businesses, and over 25 artists of various genres. We are still finding new partners daily. Keep Arts Working has continued to grow after Long Beach residents protested George Floyd's murder and the city met social unrest on May
31st. The project was adopted by the city and other business improvement partners in order to address the damage left on June 1st. This project and marketing campaign is strongly grounded in valuing grassroots connections that can be uplifted with established
communication organizations.
More than 400,000 U.S. small businesses are estimated to have failed since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite a range of approaches taken by the federal government to support firms through shutdowns—including loans, payroll support,
and grants—hundreds of thousands of additional small businesses are at risk of failing. If the federal government does not develop a cohesive, robust policy solution to counter reduced consumer demand, the continued devastation of small businesses will slow
the economic recovery, worsen labor market conditions, and weaken productivity growth for years to come.
Will the word information acquire new meanings under the pressure of technological transformations caused by the Covid-19 digital lockdown? How will people understand, define and experience major or minor events when they are limited to
virtual encounters, online meetings and social media catch-ups? The webinar will interrogate old meanings and explore emerging connotations of what becomes information and whither the nature of an event in the seamless enfolding of the two in the online world.
Because That's Where The Money Is: Fully Secured Borrowing For the Arts
Fully secured borrowing is our approach to borrowing for nonprofits that has been used for over four decades. It really works. It places control in your hands, not the lender. It is available to all nonprofits. And this includes every art-related
nonprofit. In this webinar, you will learn about an approach that is particularly well suited for these COVID-19 times. You will see how you can use this resource as a solid base for all your fundraising and earned revenue strategies. You will discover how
to do this for your organization and how to quickly and easily place a firm fiscal foundation under your institution as you move ahead. Through the resources listed on this event page, you will have all the documents that you need to successfully use this
approach. While we cannot know the future, we can prepare ourselves to adapt in a way that works.