Hi Caroline,

We launched the Austin Live Music Venue Preservation Program this year:  https://thelongcenter.org/save-austin-venues/  And here is a dashboard of the program's service delivery thus far:  https://app.powerbigov.us/view?r=eyJrIjoiZmVmYWI2NTEtZWI2YS00YmIyLWIzNDQtMTkxMDFlYzQzZmZkIiwidCI6IjVjNWUxOWY2LWE2YWItNGI0NS1iMWQwLWJlNDYwOGE5YTY3ZiJ9

It was run primarily out of our Music and Entertainment Division, so any follow-up questions could be directed to my colleague, Erica Shamaly at erica.shamaly@austintexas.gov.

Hope that's helpful!


Meghan Wells   she/her/hers
Cultural Arts Division Manager
Economic Development Dept/City of Austin

From: usuaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <usuaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com> on behalf of Vincent, Caroline (Arts) <Caroline.Vincent@nashville.gov>
Sent: Friday, May 7, 2021 8:51 AM
To: usuaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com <usuaf@americansforthearts.simplelists.com>
Subject: [Americans for the Arts] question about preserving cultural assets
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Hi friends,

There is a City Council member here in Nashville leading the charge to try and preserve local independent music venues that are getting pushed out due to the insane real estate market here. I’ve done some initial research and have found some great examples of work done in other cities (like the Cultural Space report in Seattle), but can you point me to any additional municipal tools you’ve used in your city to preserve cultural assets that are not necessarily geographically close to each other? Nor are they in buildings that are architecturally or historically significant. (And yes, we’re working with Planning, Historic, etc. But our Mayor dissolved the advisory group that typically works on music industry issues so here we are.)









Executive Director



Nashville Office of Arts + Culture

O/615.880.2377  C/615.306.3993


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